Friday 5 October 2007

What's an Attitude of Gratitude got to do with Success?

One of the things that can catapult us an arena of success is developing a mindset where we notice and give thanks for the things that are already in our lives. Doing this on a regular basis encourages us to notice more of the everyday things that are great about our lives. The things we might otherwise take for granted like the liberty to speak our minds, the people who love , care for and support us, for always knowing where the next meal is coming from, to be able to hear an amazing birdsong, for coming home safely from work despite the traffic problems, for being able to flick a switch and get light, heat, power so we can do a million other things that enhance our lives.

When we start to appreciate what we have we begin emitting an energy that draws more positive things into our lives. Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich writes about the Law of Gratitude as one of the fundamental components of a richer life. Showing appreciation is just simple infectious. It spreads around us and we become a magnet for more good things happening. It helps us put our problems into perspective and to express the joy of living. What we put our focus on will surely manifest more clearly in our lives. We will get more of it. That's successful living.

So today before I go to bed I will thank my son for being wonderful and just himself, my partner for his embraces and for being such a supportive listener, and for some higher power for the gift that is autumn with its astonishingly beautiful colours and the sunshine that lingers still.

One of things I have been getting from being part of Success University is a wealth of personal development resources that continue to enable me to develop with success as a person. I want to share some of these in this blog. I am grateful for this online education that lets me grow and build a financial future at the same time.

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