As I was reading Catherine Ponder's Dynamic Laws of Prosperity in which she described the Law of Increase, I was thinking of the biblical saying which has been instilled in my mind since childhood - 'Do onto others as you would that they should do onto you.' I always felt that this was an excellent value by which to live our lives and that if we could but heed it, what a richness of life we would all have.
It ain't easy sometimes. The worse for me is when I've been deeply hurt by someone else. Its not that I wish them any harm, I just can cut them out of my life quite easily. Now, sometimes that's no bad thing to move on from people who have been poisonous or malicious. Most of the time people don't mean to be any of those things, they just have a different perspective or were thoughtless in their words or actions. What's the significance of this in attracting prosperity in our lives?
Well, Catherine maintains that in order to prosper ourselves, we need to develop prosperity thoughts towards everybody and everything and that acts like a magnet to draw prosperity and success, riches and victory towards ourselves. You help to make it so for yourself just by thinking in this manner towards yourself and others. This means that any contact you have with them should contain thoughts about them of increased good.
That's actually a pretty revolutionary way of thinking. How much good can we think for others who have blown up and killed many people today, who have committed grave injustice towards others, who have taken away children and enslaved others, who have tortured and blighted the lives of other people or robbed you of your property? What does it take to offer them the blessings of our rich thoughts?
Catherines asserts that what you send out comes back to you and will have an corresponding impact in your own life. Do not speak words of ill towards others, rather speak words of good and increase. And equally you have to give yourself words of increase.
By thinking in prosperity and success terms about yourself, you consciously and subconsciously radiate this out and and draw others to you as friends, customers, business associates as never before. People unconsciously gravitate towards you so that your business, your life, your relationships expand with many rich blessings.
Have you ever noticed how most people born into a life of richness seem to maintain that all their lives even if they don't seem to be working for it? They have grown up all their lives with prosperity thinking a part of the very fabric of their being so their conditioning dictates that there is nothing that would create lack. They simply do not think of it.
Anything you can say to yourself and others so that you generate that feeling of success and prosperity is worth taking the time to do. Don't bother with thoughts of failure and feelings of disappointment. If something didn't come right the way you wished it to, start to reconstruct it as only an opportunity for something better to come along or at any rate an oppertunity to learn and to grow. House deal feel through? Man got away? Lost the job? Consider that when one door closes, another opens and that other could well come a much better deal.
"Failure is nothing but success trying to be born in a bigger way."
Blessings for today
1. I am grateful for the time I had to catch up with some reading when the computer systems went down today. - a case of when one door closes...
2.For the relative safety of the streets I inhabit compared with Afghanistan or many other places in the world today
3.For personal enlightenment and growth that comes from all I absorb around me and for the lessons from Success University that have assisted that growth.
Personal Development and Success
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Thinking Success Thoughts for Self and Others
Posted by
Yvonne Mahoney
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