Thursday, 22 November 2007

Believe it or not

Its possible to either have your skepticism confirmed or to get really excited at new possibilities for living if you've seen the film The Secret. After all, its a little absurd you'd think to believe in such a thing as the Law of Attraction that states that what you think about and believe, you can bring about in your life. It can't be that easy and nor would you want it to be otherwise we'd live in fear that every wicked or disturbing thought we had would somehow be manifested. How could we live with that?

Well, I figured I'd want to know more. Well, you would, wouldn't you. After all, there's a lot at stake here. What if ... you really could conceive of an idea, believe it could happen and then manage to achieve it? What is the human mind capable of that we cannot even begin to understand?

But, here's something interesting. This idea is as old as the hills. Yes, even long before Jesus was on the scene. It was there all along and crossing many cultures, and I never knew it existed until recently! How can that be?

Well, if there's one book you must read on the subject, its Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. This guy was saying something in the 1930s that a few people cottoned onto and used for their enrichment. But where did he get his ideas from? I've been discovering that quite a few people since then have been sharing the same message that there is a power within and around us that if we use it right, cannot fail us in our endeavour to live more successful lives.

Has it ever happened to you that you were able to think about something and make it happen? What was going on? It sort of shakes you up, doesn't it? But here's the thing. It makes you want to try again to see what else might be possible. My own first experience of deliberate manifestation was shocking to me. I wanted my named called to receive a raffle prize and I 'worked' on it, and when it was I could hardly believe it. Here are some of the steps I took.

  • Finding a place to quietly mediatate and to check out if this was something I really wanted. Actually I was in a beautiful park with many people around me but still able to enter my own world in peace
  • Creating a mental picture of having the thing I desired and building that picture with all the most vivid images I could.
  • Being in the moment and using all my senses to enhance the feelings of my present state
  • Going through all the steps of achieving my desire right to the end where I knew I had got it and the accompanying feeling that went with having it
  • Declaring to 'the universe' my desire and then my thanks for the achievement of my desire
Is that it? I hear you ask. Mere coincidence! And that would be a reasonable reaction.

The point is, that from what I'd learnt from other people, from reading and watching, I decided to give the Law of Attraction a try. There are now many people world wide who are using this capacity, whatever its called, for healing, personal and comunity peace, enrichment of many kinds and many more, with great success. It could work for me too if I could create the right vibrations that would tap into the universal energy.

Stuff happens. Funny stuff. And we don't know why it works, but it still does. Why I don't know why I can hold a piece of plastic with a few bit of metal wires to my ears and be able to listen and talk to someone on the other side of the world. No, I really can't explain the science though I believe there is a scientific explanation. I can't explain the science of the Law of Attraction either but I believe quantum physics is working on it.

Believe it? I wouldn't try to persuade anyone but I'd say, find out more and see for yourself if you can create the life of your dreams in this manner. Intriguing, isn't it? I'd really recommend Catherine Ponder's book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and if you're not a religious person, to look at her biblical and spiritual references as simply another expression of a mighty energy outside ourselves which quantum physics is only beginning to unravel.

Blessing for today
1. I give thanks for what I now know about increasing proseprity in my life

2 I give thanks that the £35 in my purse is but a symbol of the inexhaustible substance of the universe and that 10 times this much is now on its way to me and quickly manifests in perfect ways (thanks Catherine).

3. I am grateful that my winter cold is passed and that perfect health is restored to me.

Personal Development and Success

1 comment: said...

It is a great video.
It conveys the importance of choosing your words carefully as words are your thoughts that you give power to - which produce your current results when you act on them.