If you were to close your eyes right now and spend a few delicious moments just imaging what your life might be like one, five or ten years from now, what would you see happening?
What if your thoughts became your reality, your life? What then would you start to imagine in your life? If you knew the secrets of success lay in the thoughts you have, would you change your vision? Would you live with more passion? Would you see yourself living the good life? Would you let in peace of mind, great health, financial security, the car you really want, the schools you really want your kids to go to, the business you would be running, the relationships you would have, the joyfulness and sense of purpose that would fill your life? Too right you would.
But you know what? Most of us occupy our minds with the detritus of life - the bills we can't pay, the income we can't have, the broken relationships, the lack, the problems. I hold my hands up to spending far too much time lately on a particular broken relationship and I'm not best pleased with myself that I've allowed that to happen. So I'm really drawing more of the same to me. I should know better!
How often do we get good news on The News? Exceptionally. So thats what often occupies our mind. Bad News. And needless to say, when we fill our thoughts with lack and bad news, don't we just seem to generate more of it? We come to accept it as part of the condition of being human.
But what if we had the opportunity to shape our destiny the way we really wanted it and to get excited about our futures? What if we could start right now to create that future by changing our thoughts? Ya Ya Ya Di Da! Off with the fairies again! I know its hard to take in but if we want to improve the circumstances of our lives, we have to start with the circumstances of our thoughts.
And the first place to start is to get very clear about what you want to happen in your life. I heard about this guy called Eric Edmeades who is leading a one day workshop in London on 9th Dec. on Your Best Year Ever. Its an event designed to help people plan, focus and construct their goals that will help them turn 2008 into one of the best. He has a structured approach to helping others succeed in business, career, finance, lifestyle, relationships, travel and adventure and more. I'll be there for sure. I want to hear more of what he's about.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only believe and dream, but also plan and act. "- Eric Edmeades.
To get hold of more information about this free seminar, visit http://www.triumphantevents.co.uk/EricEdmeades2008
This is a combination of practical NLP and real world life lessons that's going to be very rewarding, inspiring, effective and fun.
"Dream big, Plan well, Play hard" - Eric Edmeades
I believe Eric isn't much taken by all this Law of Attraction stuff. He is much more into smart planning. But many roads can lead you there and I don't think the one approach cancels out the others so here's a different mindset approach. However outrageous it might seem.
- Get a piece of paper now.
- Write down an many of your dreams, goals, desires, outcomes as you wish. Let your ideas flow. Do not limit yourself or justify why your can't or shouldn't have something.
- Keep it in your focus every day by reading it through several times.
- Adding pictures or drawings have a big impact ... paints a thousand words.
- Build a picture in your mind of having all your accomplishments. Imagine it exactly as you wish it to be.
- Tap into it as often as you can for example by frequently talking to others about it, putting it on a tape in your car and listening on long journeys.
- If you are consumed by a passion or purpose for accomplishing these things, that will drive your success.So ask yourself with each accomplishment you desire,- WHY have it? If your purpose is big enough, that will add to your motivation to sieze the opportunities when they do come, to take the action needed to create the reality.
Blessings for today
1. I know exactly where my son is - he's sitting right beside me doing his homework and sharing his thouhgts as he goes. I am grateful to have him here doing this.
2. Its the end of the day and I'm tired and I know I have a warm, safe and comfortable bed to go lie in. That will be bliss. I am one of the lucky ones.
3. For opportunities that come along for learning and earning and personal growth.
Personal Development and Success
1 comment:
Hi Yvonne
This is a great information I have joined this course. Thank You
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