Friday, 30 November 2007

Internet Marketing Success with Daniel Wagner

Great meeting last night with Daniel Wagner in London as he clearly set out to encourage learning about using the internet to develop an income stream.

He talked about your life being a printout of your inner world. In other words, there is a process of manifestation taking place when your thoughts impact on your feelings which determination the actions you will take that influences the results you will get. So if you want to become successful in this business as in any others, start looking at the thoughts you are generating because that will surely influence your results.

So his model of success was, as I followed it:

  • Showing up to learn
  • Modelling from other people who've 'done it'
  • Honing your knowledge and skills one step at a time. And he had some pretty good knowledge to share with the packed room last night that included:

How to research a niche market and develop a niche product
Creating a Squeeze opt-in page
Using Google Adwords
Generating targetted traffic to your website
Affiliate marketing
Using autoresponders to build a list
Joint venture, Blogs, Adsense
Building a funnel
And more

He gave great value and managed to pack a lot into 3 hours. Well done Daniel and thank you.

Blessings for Today

1. I really felt a part of a community of sorts as I connected with a lot of people I knew at the Internet marketing seminar last night and I was garteful for that sense of shared community.

2. For all the new learning and the reinforcement of old ideas, I am thankful.And that there are people like Daniel who inspired us to see this business as a level playing field where anyone can succeed playing even against the 'big guys'. I found that reassuring.

3. That my son's hard work paid off with the French exams. His determination to succeed plus the actions he took around his revision, coursework etc. really paid off for him. And he continues to inspire me.

Personal Development and Success

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