Wednesday, 19 December 2007

The Will to Succeed

What the mind of man can conceive it can achieve. That's a pretty bold statement, wouldn't you say? And whether or not we believe it, we can't deny that we are capable to so much more when we put our minds to it. And isn't it incredible what we've been able to achieve using only a small fraction of the mind. Imagine if we could use another 10%!! What yet to be imagined creative and destructive realms would await us. Its incredible to think of the depth and breathe of the human mind. Everything we are and have, has come from a thought in someone's head. That's awesome.

As we grew from infancy there was much to learn, to absorb. Many things we were taught as children but as we grew older we became responsible for our own learning. What we choose to learn will have a major impact on our success in life, wouldn't you say? So you can see how critical it is to continue to learn and develop our minds.

There are people for whom striving to grow intellectually stops when they walk out of the school gates for the last time. But imagine now, OK, what would happen if you just kept on accelerating your learning. What could you do, be, have, if you were committing to a process of continual growth. That's what being a part of Success University has contributed to my life. At the click of a mouse, there online are numerous personal development courses available to me that allows me to keep on opening my mind.

Our will is but one part of the mind that remains forever fascinating. There is a boy of my acquaintance whose will to succeed constantly astonishes me.

He is only 15 years old but he puts me to shame with his almost unshakeable willpower. . determination and will power. That's my boy.

What is the Will? Free Will. Will Power. Weak willed. Strong willed. I've heard it described as the strength of our determination. I know pretty much all of us have struggled with it on many occasions. But its kind of hard to say what it really is.

Another helping of pie? Struggle struggle.

Cold outside and you need to do your exercises? Struggle struggle.

Read a book rather than watch idiot TV? Struggle struggle.

You know the sort of thing I mean! It is where our resolve lies and the choices we make. You can exercise your body. Can you exercise your will? Can you strengthen and develop it? I believe we can. But we have to exercise it regularly as we would our bodies if we hoped to gain physical strength. And when we do, it will powerfully support our success.

Another piece of pie? ARRRR....NO THANK YOU. Just this once.

Then try it out again tomorrow. And again the next day and so on until.....

What's been your will in the past? What's it like now? Has it changed? Have you had some tough choices to make? Do you think they have made you stronger? Do you find that in some areas of your life its easier than in others to exert your will?

Consider now the things you have been putting off doing or the decisions you haven't wanted to make and start exercising your will by doing or deciding now. Start small and build yourself up. Go to bed now or stay up another 2 hours? Then when it comes to major choices of will power, you're much more ready to go.

Blessings for today

1. My house guests made dinner and washed up. How cool was that for me? Heaps. I am grateful to them for this gesture on their part.

2. My sister remains very ill. I am struggling to find a gratitude to express about her situation. I guess that she is in somewhat less pain than before is a blessing.

3.In the bitter cold outside, I have had the means to keep myself warm inside and I have so much gratitude for the comforts of my life.

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