OK. So moving on from yesterday, I'd like to tell you more about some of the tips from Eric Edmeades for making 2008 your Best Year Ever. Remember - dream big but plan smart, tackle your limiting beliefs, uphold your promises to yourself like they were the promises you would make to your children if your life depended on it and would uphold whatever happened, write down your goals so you really know what you are aiming for. Needless to say, this starts to make them more concrete.
This comes from a man who spent many years turning his life around from near financial ruin, divorce, stress, being alone in a new country to financial freedom, a loving relationship and international leadership. Can you and I do it? Or is this for 'special' people? I know this for sure, if we always do what we always did, we'll always get what we always got. So what're you going to change, to create a different future?
Quite simply, and make no mistake, knowing what you want, is the way to get going. I had so much to write in this next exercise where we dated our 'journal' exactly one year from now and just started writing about all the things we had experienced during the year 2008. Beginning with .....
"Wow! What a year!..." Write about the beautiful things you now owned, the wonderful things you did, the amazing relationships you made, the places you'd visited, the way you took care of your physical health and your spiritual needs, about eliminating your debts, your rise in self confidence and self esteem, the friends you've made along the way. Wait, you've not done yet. How about.....
The learnings you've done, reaching your ideal weight, feeling fitter, younger, blessed, the car you acquired, the business growth you've made, the contributions you've made in the world, the love you've expressed and accepted, the way you've fostered relationships in your family, the things you can now do that you couldn't do a year ago, the income opportunities that came your way, the career shifts, the courses you've done, the activities you've enjoyed . Then add some more. Keep going. Here's your chance to really go for it in all areas of your life.
Talk about how great its been and all the other fantastic emotions that have blown you away during the year. Fill it with pride and joy and peacefulness and appreciations. Add some love and wonderment and surprise. Write about the difference you make in other people's lives and the fulfillment you've had.
Then when you've done that, find some quiet and uninterrupted place where you can allow yourself to close your eyes, and drift down into a beautiful place of total relaxation in your mind and as though in a dream, take yourself one year forward and looking back at your life, 'seeing' all those things you wrote about to come floating into your mind, already achieved.
Imagine you are already driving that car, recieving that cheque, meeting that special person, living in that amazing house, playing that alto saxophone (my dream folks!), floating that business on the stock market... Whatever floats your boat. This is the start of manifesting these things into your life, embedding them in your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality. However, as you might guess, there's more to do than dreaming. This is just the start.
He had us do this exercise where we identified 5 areas for consideration -
- Perfect Intimate Relationships
- Physical Health
- Experiential/learning
- Contribution
- Financial
In each area we would then start some detailed mapping of exactly what we wanted to achieve. For example in Physical Health it might be;
- exercise for at least 3 times per week for a half hour each time
- drink at least 4 glasses of water daily
- join a walking club and go walking with others at least once a month/fortnight
- spend ten minutes per day in deep breathing
- meditate at least twice per week for about 10 minutes
- radically reduce your refined sugar and saturated fats by at least a half
- get that health check you've been meaning to get by the end of the month
- get to sleep a half hour earlier than usual
- eat a set portion of fruit and vegetable daily
- always take the stairs rather than the elevator
- join that football club
- etc. etc.
You begin to see how that dream of a fitter healthier more physically robust you gets broken down into specific and manageable small steps that you can begin to put into practice without too much difficulty.
Each area can be given a similar treatment and what you are going to end up with is a dream that's broken down into specific goals within which you can start to take small steps towards its achievement.
Taking small action steps is important. You are chunking down into manageable bite siized pieces (How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time!) From all the smaller steps you wrote down, go ahead and select 2 or 3 from each area that you really could do. No sweat.
Remember where I wrote about making promises to yourself? Now's the time to bring that into play. However if you can now also find yourself a partner, or better still a group of people with whom you can share your goals who can challenge, support, brainstorm with you and encourage, you are going to accelerate your success in achieving what you set out to do at a much much faster rate. People who will hold you accountable and be your mastermind group.
I must say that when we got together at the seminar with others this didn't really work so well for me. There was no time to get acquainted with the others or really understand or be understood about what we were trying to achieve but the idea was there of how we could develop using a mastermind group to achieve success.
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." Christopher Reeves 1996
Blessings for today
1. I want to thank the members of the group at the seminar that I was in for their contributions to my success. If only one germ of an idea was valid, that has a potential for enormous growth.
2. I enjoyed my dinner tonight. I am grateful for the food I eat and that it is so easily accessible to me.
3.For sharing warmth and love with my son and my husband when I walked through the door on returning from work today. I felt the caring and I wouldn't want to take it for granted for it is special in my life.
Personal Development and Success
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