Coincidentally - well not that surprising really at this time of the year! - I just came across a little video from Vic Johnson about setting goals. Its very good but it stops short of the really impactful bit I was looking forward to which was taking you through a process of reprogramming your thoughts so you can get beyond self limiting beliefs and achieve greater success in your goals.
And we all have them, don't we? No matter how 'sorted' we are. There's usually a little tape we play over and over inside our heads of all kinds of negative stuff. You know the one that goes something like "the reason you can't have an intimate relationships is because you're..fat/ugly/ignorant"...You fill in the blanks. Or how about "you can't possibly do that. You haven't been educated" Oh there are so many. What's your favourite?
Well here's the thing. How we hold ourselves from getting where we want to because we keep feeding a lot of negative self limiting stuff to ourselves. Yes we have to be honest with ourselves, but is that honesty? Are there people who are fat and loved to bits by their partners? Are there people who acquired wealth who didn't have a college degree? If we keep telling ourselves the reason we don't achieve is because of some deficit, we may just be short changing ourselves. Heck, there are enough people out there who may want to knock you off your perch, why do it to yourself?
Vic says making goals is a process like making a cake. There are ingredients to get and steps to follow. And what happens if we don't, is that the cake won't turn out as we expected or hoped. The good thing is that you can expect good results if you follow the recipe.
I like his analogy too of travelling along the road to get from A toB. You're lucky if the road is clear and you can just whizz on by. But all too often there are roadworks, obstacles, detours, traffic lights to stop at, hedgehogs crossing the road. So what are you going to do? Give up and go home, right? Heck no. You might have to stop a little, find another route or something. You just need to be flexible.
He talks about the 5 step process to getting what you want and I recommend you have a look at his video on It may not take you the whole way but its a good start.
Blessings for Today
1. When my husband accidentally burnt my son's school tie tonight, a neighbour came to the rescue with his son's old school tie. Thank heavens for neighbour you can call on in a time of need
2. I'm glad I stumbled across Vic's video. It was very timely. I guess I manifested it and I am grateful to the universal energy that drew me there.
3. Its pretty cold outside and I wouldn't like to be the one huddled up in some doorway trying to fend off the cold. Am I lucky or am I lucky that I have shelter from the storm? I am grateful.
Personal Development and Success
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