Monday, 14 January 2008

Eat Your Way to Success

I know I have written before about the importance of good nutrition to our physical and mental health but it bears repeating. For me there is no success in the world that's a touch above having good health and while many things contribute to it, good nutrition is way up there on the list. My sister's declining health - she's just about hanging in there - is a stark reminder to me, if ever I need it, about good health as a priority. 

There seems so much interest today in the kinds of food we eat, where our food comes from, how animals we eat are treated, the adulteration of food in many forms. And it can be very difficult to know what exactly comprises good food. I know I feel increasingly torn at the supermarket trying to budget wisely for my family, picking up cheap chicken and wondering about its journey from egg to my mouth.

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and I shovel sticks of celery and carrots onto my son but I am not always convinced that they have not been grown in a bucketful of pesticides and other toxins. A friend was writing recently about raising chickens on her allotment. Well, that's one way to go if you can do it but not an option for many people.

So what to do but open your mouth, try to stick in food that you think or assume will be good, cross your fingers and hope for the best. It does seem a bit risky but within the parameters of what is possible, that is the best that most of us can do. Oh, and drink lots of water. Water, did I say? Do you know the stuff that's in our 'safe' drinking water? We'd be horrified. Please, lets not even go there tonight.

Here at any rate is a video I've been watching of Michael Cheney talking about eating. It makes interesting viewing. 

And here is the rest of it.
Blessings for today

1.I have today eaten an abundance of fruit and vegetables I considered healthy for me. I am grateful that this is available to me and that I have the means to make this happen for me and my family.

2. I am thankful for the rain that came in great abundance today. In areas of the world that are becoming like deserts, dry and parched, where people are desperate and life is desperate for lack of water to grow foods, a small amount of what we had would be better than gold.

3. I am fortunate and grateful to live in a place where I have access to regular cervical smears to help protect my life. I wish my sister had had that.

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