Monday, 14 January 2008

Eat Your Way to Success

I know I have written before about the importance of good nutrition to our physical and mental health but it bears repeating. For me there is no success in the world that's a touch above having good health and while many things contribute to it, good nutrition is way up there on the list. My sister's declining health - she's just about hanging in there - is a stark reminder to me, if ever I need it, about good health as a priority. 

There seems so much interest today in the kinds of food we eat, where our food comes from, how animals we eat are treated, the adulteration of food in many forms. And it can be very difficult to know what exactly comprises good food. I know I feel increasingly torn at the supermarket trying to budget wisely for my family, picking up cheap chicken and wondering about its journey from egg to my mouth.

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and I shovel sticks of celery and carrots onto my son but I am not always convinced that they have not been grown in a bucketful of pesticides and other toxins. A friend was writing recently about raising chickens on her allotment. Well, that's one way to go if you can do it but not an option for many people.

So what to do but open your mouth, try to stick in food that you think or assume will be good, cross your fingers and hope for the best. It does seem a bit risky but within the parameters of what is possible, that is the best that most of us can do. Oh, and drink lots of water. Water, did I say? Do you know the stuff that's in our 'safe' drinking water? We'd be horrified. Please, lets not even go there tonight.

Here at any rate is a video I've been watching of Michael Cheney talking about eating. It makes interesting viewing. 

And here is the rest of it.
Blessings for today

1.I have today eaten an abundance of fruit and vegetables I considered healthy for me. I am grateful that this is available to me and that I have the means to make this happen for me and my family.

2. I am thankful for the rain that came in great abundance today. In areas of the world that are becoming like deserts, dry and parched, where people are desperate and life is desperate for lack of water to grow foods, a small amount of what we had would be better than gold.

3. I am fortunate and grateful to live in a place where I have access to regular cervical smears to help protect my life. I wish my sister had had that.

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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Tips to make your New Year's Resolutions Stick

You know yourself how easy it is to start slipping back into the old habits despite our best intentions. New Year. New outlook. New hope. And then somewhere along the line you're wondering where it all went wrong. Yes, well, life got in the way. It was too hard to keep going. Other priorities crept in. You know the sort of stuff and fluff that happens.

First off, mostly we are very vague about what we want to achieve. Like the idea of losing weight. We know what we must do, and we may even have the jeans in mind that we want to be able to slip back into which is fine but, how much, how long, what for? Often we don't get clear and specific about what we want to achieve.  

Having a very strong 'why do I want to do this?' in your mind is going to propel you along much better too. I had a coach who emphasised PURPOSE as the first stepping stone to your success, followed by the goals and then the action steps. Consider "I want to lose weight this year" against "Its June 2008 and I am 14 pounds lighter looking and feeling fantastic at my daughter's wedding." Now let me ask, which one sounds more likely to be achieved?

What's more, write down what you want to achieve and why. Crazy but its true. Writing it down is powerful. If you can't take this simple step, how likely is it that you will take the further actions needed to succeed? Better still, pin a copy in lots of places where you will see it every day. But thats only half of it. Keep it in mind frequently. Read that journal or whatever over again at regular intervals. 

And a special trick is to paste a picture up of the goal - like your head stuck onto a picture of someone the size you want to be wearing what you'd like to be wearing. Don't snort. A picture says a thousand words and is a strong visual cue. You're training your mind to respond to what you want.

And more than that, talk about it to other people - a coach, a mastermind group, a mentor, a friend -who you know will support what you are trying to do even if they don't understand the specifics. And by the same token, don't share it with others who are going to be negative naysayers and bring you down.

Incidentally a great tip for writing down the goals is to do so as if they have already been accomplished, with a timeframe written in. Something like "Its March 2008 and I am now half a stone lighter. I am regularly ...... "

You know what else? Try not to set too many goals all at once and build in small achievable steps that you can reasonably work towards. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise you may be setting yourself up for failure. Of course different people need different approaches. For example, some people can cut out cigarettes all at once. It works better for others to reduce in increments. Just be honest with yourself about what works for you.

One more thing I want to recommend is to reward yourself with something that you really enjoy that is great for you, and set the reward specifically ahead of completion. So knowing you'll have a weekend break with a friend for example when the goal is done may just keep your motivation higher.  Better still, tell the friend that's what you are doing so you're more likely to keep your word.

I'd like to recommend Christopher Howard's Breakthrough to Success event which he holds in the UK, USA , Australia and New Zealand. How does that help with your goals? Christopher is a powerfully motivating presenter who shows you how to utilise the enormous resources of your unconscious mind so you can really live your goals.

In just one weekend and using the very latest accelerated human change technologies and a variety of NLP techniques, Christopher can propel you towards achieving your goals. I genuinely was amazed at the effectiveness of his approach and that's not just for myself but also for a number of people I knew who also attended.  

The cost is your time, transport and energy only. Yes its free, and yes there will be CDs, books, seminars etc. to buy but you don't have to have any of that. Frankly, for what you'd be getting out of it, its worth devoting one weekend to it. And don't forget the networking possibilities for you're more than likely to meet others who want to achieve their goals too. And these relationship possibilities themselves can be very helpful.

 To learn more about Breakthrough To Success, Click HERE

Blessings for today

1.I really value this peaceful quiet time at home today to focus on what I need and want to do without distractions. Where would I be without it?

2. My professional re-accreditation forms arrived in the post and they have been extraordinarily simplified. Now thats a saving in time and energy for me and where time is precious I really appreciate that.

3. An opportunity arose for me to go to a live performance with some friends I haven't seen for a long time. I thank the divine universe for creating this free opportunity.

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Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Masterminding those New Year Resolutions

Well, its a week into the New Year and I wonder how we're all holding up with our resolutions if we made any? How long does it take before our best intentions for ourselves begin to totter and then to bite the dust or before we are able to punch the air in triumph with a real sense of having made it? The usual targets for our resolutions tend to be around taking better care of our bodies especially after the excess of the season, dealing with financial, career or business problems and a desire to be a 'better person' in some way (which by the way is not a terribly well formed goal). 

We know that statistically the numbers of people able to maintain their resolves fade significantly with each passing day, often with very few getting beyond the end of the month.

Now, that doesn't mean resolutions are not worth making. People like to feel there's a chance for them to start afresh. Even if they have failed many times before. It fills them with hope and optimism. And even a month of dieting or exercising has got to be better than nothing. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. However in the long run, our level of satisfaction at our achievements will be higher, if we can maintain our resolve for longer. If you've said 'This is the year I'm going to do such and such' then just three weeks at it doesn't quite give you the same satisfying feeling.

Apparently there is a difference of approach between men and women, with women leaning more on their social circles to help keep their motivations going. They are much more inclined to tell someone about their intentions or buddy up and maybe to seek support from them to keep at it. 

There is a lesson here that may well make all the difference between how far we succeed and not. Now I know there are some people who are proud spirited or self disciplined enough to be able to make a real success of their well laid out intentions all by themselves. Great. But this is not true for too many of us. We need help. And if you haven't got a friend or family member who can do the right sort of supporting, challenging and holding you accountable, then one of the ways this can be achieved is to get involved in a mastermind group. 

Of course a mastermind group is not simply about new year's resolutions as such, more about helping you to achieve your goals whenever you set them. Those familiar with the mastermind principle, and they include some of the more successful people in all spheres of life, recognise it as a most valuable resource in their success. They can achieve more with the combined insights and experience of the group than they could alone.

The mastermind group consists of a small group of people who work together with each other to inspire, stretch, develop new opportunities and perspectives, and most importantly, to keep people focused and on track with what they say they will do

Typically a group may meet once a month or even weekly with perhaps teleconferencing or telephoning or emailing between times. How would you like to have your own angel voice saying 'How are you doing with that goal you set last week? What would you find most helpful now to do? How realistic is that for you to achieve within that time?' And other questions designed to support and get you to think through you best way forward. Do you think you could have stuck through with goals for longer that you set yourself if you had this?

The mastermind group could be just 2 people but I would suggest for greater impact it should be more, but no more that 6-8. You may find these people from among your acquaintances, on courses or at conferences, from social or professional networks, or through advertising your desire to be in a group through a variety of forums. A word of caution though is to choose your group carefully. There is much trust at stake and you need to feel comfortable with the people you have chosen.

Alone or together with others, its up to your style. But as a matter of recommendation and acknowledging how mastermind groups have sky rocketed others' success, its a serious matter for consideration to start the year connected with a group of like-minded people who can give you the impetus to go up and much further than you could do alone. Can you imagine how good that would feel by the end of the year? Does it cost? You bet! It costs your time and your commitment and your energy, and you have to be prepared to give something of yourself to other people's development, as well as take from them for your own growth.

But quite simply,there is much to gain to make your outcomes a matter of greater triumph. Don't take my word for it. Try it out and then tell me what your experience has been. Here's to your success.

Blessings for today

1. My orchids have begun to unfurl. How great is that! I feel privileged to experience its beauty in my home.

2. I was amazed at the generous response of a friend who wanted to contribute to the well being of my sister, whom she does not know. I appreciate her generous offerings.

3. I am grateful for the opportunity to share ideas and insights with others and to feel that I too  have something worth contributing.

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Monday, 7 January 2008

5 keys to staying out of debt - Part 2

OK, you know how an alcoholic finally comes round to seeing the harm being done to him/herself and the people they care about. Well, perhaps you've finally come round to seeing how your spending habits have been damaging you and you really want to change the way you think about being in debt. 

And sometimes it really isn't your fault. People who don't earn enough and have just been scraping by but not managing to do so, a partner or spouse who's been left high and dry with a mountain of the other person's debt or any other reason where you were not responsible , are just some of the situations that can happen to create debt.

Well, the next step in getting out of debt is to get some understanding. What this means is becoming clear about how much you owe, what you spend on, what income you have coming in, what your net worth is, and all this stuff that might seem laughably obvious but is a real blind spot for some people. You have to know what your current situation is because that is a sure way to help you find your way through to the financial direction you want to be in.  This will undoubtedly mean ferreting about to find the information but it is going to be worth it in the
long run.

And here is the rest of it. Once you've got all your papers, facts and figures together, then's the time to get help. Let me say right here that I'm not pitching for any particular service. That help could be in the form of a friend or family member who's good with money, a community based advisory service, a financial advisor. 

Or even the bank or credit company can help you with managing your money and help you sort out reasonable payments and management of your future finances. What I would say about that though is to first try the more independent services before you resort to the ones to whom you owe the money. At least get an independent overview of the situation. And its amazing how much free advice there is if you look for it. Any Citizen's Advice Bureau will be able to guide you to such advice.

The thing is to not let shame, fear, embarrassment, guilt or lethargy prevent you from seeking the help you need.

Now its time to get control. For some people its lack of control that got them there is the first place.  Spending called to them like a siren and they felt powerless to block their ears. Some people can't do it on their own to start with and need someone else to take control for them for example by looking after their money and only allocating them a certain amount each period of time. That's not taking control, but if the need is desperate, that may be where you have to start and then gradually take small steps to building in your own internal controls. 

It may mean cutting up those credit cards. It could be having to pay a forfeit every time you go over your limit like doing family or community chores or any one of other creative ways to make it more painful. And if the stick approach didn't work for you, try the carrot. Reward yourself in a non monetary way for sticking to your limits. And again, I'd say be as creative as you could in finding ways to do this. If you are a person with demonstrably little control, its not going to be easy at first but over time you can train yourself to do this. 

Finally its about getting a plan that's going to be workable for you and sticking to it. Develop awareness. Keep an account of everything you spend. Pay off all charges for the previous month's expenditure so you don't have to keep paying new interest. Decide how much money you can reasonably use to pay off the debt each week/month and use it on all your highest interest debts. A financial adviser can help with the plan as well as helping you to write to creditors to make the best arrangements for payment. I'm always amazed at what some of these people can help their clients achieve.

Lets face it, at the end of the day debt is a millstone round the neck of anyone who's got it and if you want to be successful financially, you have to be wise about what is good and what is bad debt and work at controlling the bad debt. For people who've found the New Year has ushered in some stark realities regarding debt, one of the best resolution you can make is to seek out whatever helpful resources there are out there to help you get control over it. But please steer clear of loan sharks.

Blessings for today.

1. I am blessed to be in good health. That has got to be a no. 1 priority for me and I am grateful for the wellness I feel.

2. For the good food in my belly today, I am grateful. And for knowing where my next meal is coming from.

3 I appreciate the love and support within my family, and for all the people who at this time of special need are caring for my sister with all that is required of them.

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Sunday, 6 January 2008

5 keys to staying out of debt - Part 1

New Year's blues comes to many all too soon as the spending fest of the last few weeks begins to shake us right where it hurts. "Money isn't everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen." says Zig Ziglar. You bet, its something of a life saver, and when you haven't got it, well its choking. And wouldn't you know it, Christmas is over, the New Year getting under way and for a huge swathe of people, the spectre of debt hangs about them like vultures to the feast. Haunting it is. Its rocks our self esteem, our relationships, our peace of mind, our success.

Now, I's say there was good debt and there was bad. The kind that offers you no money on your return like the bright new car that starts to depreciate from the very first day you drive it out of the showroom. Now I've got a mortgage and I consider as my home is my most valuable material possession, that that's good debt. Most people do, though for a few its a liability not an asset. 

In the main, I'd say, having a mortgage is good debt. Mind you, if I stopped to think what I owned the bank, I'd really scare myself.  Maybe its the way I was brought up but I've always been in the habit of paying for everything directly when I could afford it and I've been a little horrified by the squillions of debt that some people seem to have got into, and dare I say, sometimes feel comfortable with.

Yet being in debt is such a huge burden for many people and can so easily spiral out of control leaving the people who are experiencing it in complete despair.

Bottom line is, we have to get a better handle on it before it cripples us  for sure. We need to understand what's good and what's bad debt, change the way we look at debt, get some help where its clearly a huge burden and develop better habits about handling money.

Fine for you to talk, I hear you say. The thing is, when people get overwhelmed by debt and their stress levels shoot through the roof, its kind of hard to think straight and to problem solve.

Now, I'm not saying I've got a magic wand that will make it right for you this very minute. I'll leave that to the loan sharks. If I did, I wouldn't use it. After all, what does that teach? The very next day, you'd most likely be back out there making the same mistakes. Right? Its been tempting thought when I've listened to some of the heartbreak stories of some people who've been struggling with debt to wish to make it all right for them. Especially those who consider the debt came through no fault of their own.

Well, I've been doing some reading in Success University and I reckon its OK to pass on what Jim Rohn, one of the principle teachers in SU, has to say about dealing with debt so you can build your financial success. Jim teaches 5 key principles that are important in handling debt.

1. Get the right Mindset.

2. Get some understanding

3. Get some help

4. Get some control

5.  Get a plan

Developing the right mindset is the only one I will deal with tonight and will write about the others during the week. With credit facilities available to us at the drop of a hat, how easy is it for people without adequate control to spend much more than they can really afford. Heck, the encouragement is all around. You don't have to go very far to find it. But if you don't have a mindset that reigns you in, you'll end up paying through the nose.

Borrowing money to make money or increase your investment is fine if you have proper knowledge and advise to make it work for you. Many of us would be pushing up daisy by now if we had the kinds of debts that some of the world's richest people have without batting an eyelid. Yet they sleep well. Probably!

Lordie, you've got to know what you are doing and have the mechanisms around you to support that. For the average Joe/Josephine, far better to step back from the brink and ask yourself "Where the heck did I get the idea that a little debt here and there was OK? That some faceless organism would just support me while I simply spend, spend, spend.?"  If you're in debt but that was never a part of your mindset anyway, its just that circumstances prevailed, you've got to make getting out of this situation a priority. And for that you may need some help.

Yes I know the struggle for some people is about bread and butter, not fast cars and gadgets - although that's what it amounts to for some. Do you really need that? Can you afford to wait? We've come to expect things to happen for us and happen fast, and the idea of waiting till we can afford something seems alien.

Jim says "We need to see debt as the enemy of our financial lives." I'd say it goes further and erodes our vitality in very many areas of our lives, our confidence and self esteem, our capacity to take care of ourselves and our loved ones thought it might have seemed so in the beginning that that was what you were trying to do. 

When we make it our resolve to get out of debt, and to stay out, we give ourselves permission to breathe easy and start living a life with more freedom from financial  worry. So the first step is to challenge our own thinking about debt.

I'll talk some more about the other keys during the week.

Blessings for today.

1. I've finished doing my accounts today to bring them up to date and that's felt like a huge relief. I am blessed that I do not have the burden of debt hanging round my neck that would cripple me with worry.

2. I've had some time alone to just cut through a number of outstanding jobs. I am grateful for peace and quiet times. I am thinking of many people in the world for whom that is not an option.

3. I've heard today that my sister while being readmitted to hospital, has been talking more lucidly and laughing and I give thanks to the Divine for restoring her more nearly physically and mentally.

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Saturday, 5 January 2008

Christopher Howard's Breakthrough to Success

When I attended Christopher Howards' 3 day weekend seminar Breakthrough To Success last year I don't think I was quite prepared for the high impact, high energy learning experience it was going to be. I asked around among all the people I knew who had been and without exception everyone said that afterwards they were suddenly aware of some significant change in their life experiences. For me it was suddenly finding myself the very next day at work being able to  communicate in a large group in a way I had never felt comfortable doing before, with ease and confidence, Whoa! 

I mean, where did this come from? Another friend told me she was amazed to find herself doing pretty much the same thing. Someone else mentioned a very positive change in her personal relationships. And we all attributed it to the learnings and exercises we'd experienced in the seminar.

Christopher Howard presents his seminars in Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand and is known as an expert in the psychology of wealth and leadership but in his seminar you can work on any area of your life you would wish to achieve greater success in. Expect to be NLPed. 

Now, here's the thing, its entirely FREE. Yes FREE. Sure there'll be plenty to buy - books, CDs, courses, seminars and so on. But you don't have to buy a thing if you don't want to. Plenty of people don't. But if you want to experience a change in your life, its there for the taking.

A word of caution though. This is not a quiet, sedate affair. Its loud, high energy, hug -your-neighbour, (WHAAT??) get-involved, do-the-exercises kind of experience. So it is demanding in that way. But hey, there are many roads to Damascus and this one's right there in your face. And it encourages you to take action. Though if you wanted not to take any action that would be up to you. I know there were people who didn't wanna dance. It depends on your learning style and how much you want to take a risk and make a change in your life. 

Would you like to know a little more? CLICK HERE for more details of the next ones nearest to you. 

Blessings for today

1. A friend came round to explain the mysteries of the Apple Mac computer to me that I have been quietly muttering bad words about because I wasn't used to it and couldn't understand some basic elements. I am very grateful to him for the gift of his time that he gave us. Such a precious commodity for many people. I am grateful for his knowledge and what I have learnt today.

2. I give thanks for the chance to share some reading with my family and  the lessons it taught us about being human and being humane and what it takes to survive horrendous experiences.

3. I appreciate finding the solutions to problems that had frustrated and consumed me for too long.

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Friday, 4 January 2008

The Mental Game of Life

There are just a one thing I particularly want to share today and its about a learning opportunity. 

Let me introduce Topher Morrison's The Mental Game of Life. Topher's a real fun coach with a great style in teaching the skills of NLP to help you get what you want and this month he brings his 2 day seminar to London. If anyone can go, I'd say don't hesitate. Its only £49.95 for 2 days. Having attended Topher's seminars several times I can vouch for the immense value he gives.

This is a 2 day (26th - 27th Jan.) adventure that teaches generating abundance, direction, enjoyment and achievement, and an introduction to the possibilities of NLP and Hypnosis. For anyone interested in success in their lives its well worth the effort of attending.

Some of the areas covered are:
  • Getting more energy into your life
  • Finding accomplishments and joy
  • Bringing the spark back into relationships
  • Communicating more effectively in your relationships
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Enjoying a healthy lifestyle
And much more

Click Here to find out more.

I found this interesting quote on success today that I also want to share. Its interesting to me because it comes at success from the point of view of starting with your failures.

"Would you like me to give you a formula for Success? Its quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that's where you will find success.""  - Thomas J Watson

Blessings for today

1. He cracked me up, my boy, with his sense of humour. The one good belly laugh of the day so far. I give thanks for the fun he brings to my life.

2. I am grateful to be able to travel in my car and arrive at my destination safely. This often taken-for-granted blessing become more apparent when you witness carnage on the roads. It is good to be alive and well.

3. I've made a couple of connections today that increases my visibility. I am grateful for the opportunities presented to me.

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Thursday, 3 January 2008

8 Things Successful People Do

I was listening to Robert Sharma a success coach on video on You Tube today talking about 8 things that successful people do. While being obvious and basic, they are not to be underestimated in their importance for anyone wanting to become successful in their chosen field. I wanted to share them on my blog partly because I needed to be reminded myself of the relevance of some of these strategies.

1. Successful people are focused.
Hands up those people who use the internet who do not know how easy it is to become sidetracked. I supposed I found this one particularly revealing today because as I sat down to work I reminded myself that today, whatever happened I would remain singularly on track with what I wanted to do which was to read an ebook of a mere 85 pages. Several hours later and I had barely got to page 20. 

There was so much to follow through (and it was good!)but I could have kept pace with myself and just read, choosing to go back later to the areas of further research. Hence I now have failed to keep my commitment to myself about what I said I would do. OK, so along the way I did a lot of other important stuff but I didn't do the one thing I set out to do. Its so easily done and it wasn't for lack of will or awareness on my part.

2. Successful people are positive and passionate.
Hard to be both all the time for the best of people but I do believe that striving to develop this frame of mind rather than remaining in the negative doldrums can skyrocket your success. This thing is I also think that sometimes you will need to fake it till you make it.

3. Successful people work hard. 
I suppose that its because its what I seem to do a lot of that it that I recognise this one. However a word or two of caution. Lets not confuse working hard with working smart. I know how easy it is to do the former. 

And I've known people in my life who have worked till they've dropped with very little to show for it in the end. Still the point is made that we have to expect to put some effort into our endeavours in order to reap the rewards. I would say also however that truely successful people also make time to stop and draw breathe or play in their own ways.

4. Successful people never stop innovating. 
The thing is when you are passionate about what you do then its easier to get into a creative groove when ideas flow and you want to try a little this and improve that. 

The name Richard Branson sprang to my mind as I wrote this but by gum there are literally numerous positive examples of this at work. You choose your hero and see if the cap fits. They'll all be working around any apparent failure with creative passion.

5. Successful people use their time well.
Ahem. All right, I had to complete that sudoku puzzle this morning before settling down to work and I couldn't say this was using my time well as I had promised myself. Like breaking off in full flow to go and check your email. 

You ever do that? I wouldn't be too hard on myself though. These distractions can sometimes play an important part in the creative process. They allow you to step back from the woods so you can see the trees.

6. Successful people add outrageous value to others.
I'm trawling through my memory to find the examples where apparently successful people rob rather than give. It depends on your perspective doesn't it. Consider the Romans - the carnage versus the roads and aquaducts and baths and architecture and ...and... and...

7. Successful people have strong relationships with others.
Nurturing your networks whatever they are is like breathing to live. I'm thinking of Mr. Scrooge. Mmm.

8. Devotion to Excellence.
I'm with him there. This is about trying to be the best you can in your chosen field wether you are scrubbing floors or trying for the Olympics.

Well there you have it. 
And you know what? I think I might just have finally mastered the 'read more' process. Fingers crossed. LOL!

If you want to check out the man himself talking about the above, click here.

Blessings for today

1. I give thanks for the opportunities that arose today to break the circle of unforgiveness.

2. I have learnt an immense amount today and I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way to do so and for al the unknown people who have contributed to me learning.

3. I appreciate my husband's help when I get 'gripey' about the new computer systems that I don't yet understand.

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Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Health and Prosperity - 3 Steps to Healing

Yesterday I wrote about one of the steps Catherine Ponder regarded as key to restoring good health. Well here it is again, plus some more. Success without good health is not living well and richly. Good health frees us to enjoy all that we have and are and desire to be to the utmost. Yet, in my experience, how easy it is to be complacent when you are well!  

Now of course, we all know by now of the significance of good diet, exercise, sleep, cleanliness and cultivating peacefulness in attaining good heath. But have you ever considered these other contributions to to your well being and physical health? 

Frankly, they're going to sound a little off the wall to some people. But what if you could open your mind to a few new possibilities. Actually, not so new. These ideas have been around for centuries.

Step 1
Forgiveness as the foundation of healing. Sounds a little eccentric, doesn't it? But consider this. How much stress do we endure in hating, resenting, feeling bitter and afraid for the hurt caused to us? I don't underestimate that there are things in this world for which forgiving seems nigh impossible. 

But we can also look into ourselves and if we are honest recognise that its also the little things - the stuff people have said about us, the trust betrayed, the things done or undone. The smaller stuff that eats away at us sometimes for years that erodes our peace of mind. 

And we don't even know that's having a chemical reaction in our bodies. There is a skill to learning forgiveness and one part of that is in affirming often your intention to forgive freely as in the affirmation I wrote about yesterday. Its going to take a while to really come to believe it but with repetition we can begin to set up a different set of expectations in our minds.

Step 2
This is about saying an affirmative prayer in connection with healing. Whatever sacred words- the 'lost word of power' - from whatever religion as practised through many cultures works for this. It could be any good word or phrase that gives satisfaction and peace that creates a positive response in your thoughts and feelings. 

Its been said that The Lord's Prayer' from the Bible has healing power and whether you believe in it or not, has helped many to healing in their lives. The point is that your body will respond to what is in your thought and mind and uplifting thoughts and words are life enhancing. It doesn't take much to figure out that the opposite is true, that negative words and thoughts can open the way for diseases to affect the body.

I am reminded of the work of Masaru Emoto the creative and visionary Japanese researcher who conducted experiments with water, providing evidence that the vibrational energy of our thoughts, words, ideas and music can impact the molecular structure of water which comprises 70% of our bodies and our planet. 

His astonishing experiments showed how a word like 'love' could change the molecules in a container of water producing more life enhancing results. It certainly made me think about the 'lost word of power'. And I wouldn't dismiss the power of positive words to create health.

Step 3
The power of mental images. Impossible? I'm sure whole books have been written on this subject. This in a nutshell is about creating healing through imagining yourself or someone else, whole and strong and in perfect health. This is going to involve spending some quiet time focusing on a picture of the healthy part of the body that has been affected. Seeing it whole and healed and functioning perfectly.

It can be used for anything from cancers to dieting -I recall a Paul McKenna tape on slimming where he teaches imaging techniques to produce the desired effect. Hard to believe, but many a 'miracle' has been performed through the power of imagining. Actually, not so hard to believe when you consider the healing power of placebos.

I confess I can see how such a suggestion can work for yourself or someone who knows you are doing this for them. How it happens for people who don't know you are imaging them into perfect health remains a mystery to me but I understand has been demonstrated many times over. So much is possible that we don't yet understand.

Here is Catherine's favourite affirmation for health:

"I give thanks that I am the ever renewing, the ever unfolding, expression of infinite life, health and energy."

This is prosperous thinking for good health. By now you're probably wondering what planet I'm from. Is this crazy stuff? And if it all sounds a little kookie, the bottom line is, what's the worse that can happen from thinking positively and from a position of strength? After all, What the Bleep do We Know?

Blessings for today.

1. My son has been full of high spirits and good humour - sometimes annoyingly so. And I wouldn't have him any other way. He lights up my life and brings fun and laughter into my life and I am ever thankful for his spirit.

2. I have eaten well today. Food for good health. I am ever grateful for the fruits and vegetables and other wholesome foods available to me and for the possibility of easily obtained food on the table for myself and my family.

3. For the friends who have emailed me today and kept their links with me. I give thanks.

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Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Health and Prosperity

Check this out. "Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." I can't think of a better way to start the year, can you? Health and Prosperity.

That by the way, is a biblical quote I found in Catherine Ponder's book Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Whatever your religious background, her teachings on prosperity and success are very compelling and inspirational. An easy and engaging book to read.

She has opened my eyes to looking at biblical teachings I once dismissed as not having relevance for me. This is coming to prosperity and success from a spiritual basis but I am of the opinion that its the same message from a non spiritual perspective that success has to start from what's in your mind and your heart. And page after page is just bursting with ideas and inspiration.

I am particularly today interested in wellness and health. Well, I guess millions of people are at this time of the year considering their diet, exercise, lifestyle choices to be top of their priority to address for the New Year.
Some people will persist and succeed and others will need to keep falling down and getting back up again before they reach their desired goals. And some won't of course. For all the smokers and drinkers and junk food eaters and couch potatoes, I wish you every success in your good intentions for a healthier life in 2008.

I have a sister who is exceedingly ill and although I send all my healing thoughts to her, is failing fast. She has slipped into incoherence now but thankfully is not suffering the pain she has endured for many months.
Catherine Ponder says 'Truely where there is a condition of ill health, there is a situation where the ill person has been subjected to internal discord of mind, body or affairs." Its no secret that our mental state affects what goes on in out bodies, and that stress majorly impacts on our health and well being.
And it has been ever so for my sister who has been hugely affected by the enormous tragedies of her life in the last few years. That she has developed a terminal illness is deeply saddening for her and all around her.

To be blessed with good health has surely got to be one of the greatest blessings and success in life we can aspire to. Without it, what else matters?And here is the rest of it. And you know what? The opposite of stress and mental discord, that is balanced, harmonious thinking and peace of mind creates physical well being and wholeness.
Healthy thinking isn't new of course but comes to us across centuries and diverse cultures. However with the modern reliance on drugs and more scientific ways of addressing illness, we have forgotten the power within us of developing changing attitudes and emotional responses to creating good health.

Ponder says that one of the first steps to healing is to learn forgiveness of others and ourselves for in doing so we gain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Sure its hard to do with people who have hurt and wounded us, but its worth attempting to create the harmony in ourselves that will bring us into a better frame of physical and mental well being.
I share this affirmation that she offers where your heart is filled with hostilities towards others, to be said daily.

"I fully and freely forgive. I loose and let go. I let go and let God's love do its perfect work in the conscious, subconscious and superconscious activities of my mind, body and affairs. I give thanks that peace, plenty and happiness now reign supreme in me and in my world."

If you squirm at the mention of God, feel free to interpret that as you will.

Blessings for Today

1. I give thanks for the good health I and my husband and son now enjoy and I am reminded today that this is a major success in our lives that we should not take for granted.

2. That my sister's pains have lessened greatly I am very thankful. I give thanks for the healing powers of the universe that comes to her now. All things are possible.

3.  I am so thankful for the many little blessings of my life like the beautiful jays that rested in the oak tree in my back garden, my son's hugs and soft hands, the relative mildness of the winter weather over the past few days and this means of communicating with the world today.

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