Monday, 22 October 2007

Goal Setters Succeed

Setting goals, shaping our dreams, provides us with a focus for our ambitions and guides us in the actions we need to take to achieve our ambitions. Whether short or long term, they provide the vision we need to succeed.

Now I admit I have some difficulty in setting my goals within a SMART framework for if I were to be Realistic (the R in Smart), I don't think I'd get much beyond very limiting goals. How realistic is it to think I too can become worth a million within X timeframe, or climb the highest mountain, or go to the moon? Not very you'd think. But that never stopped others from dreaming BIG and setting their goals to a very high level. We'd never have got off the ground if that was the fate of mankind - to accept limitations and settle for less.

Just about every source material on successful living will talk about how important it is to set goals. Not what we think we can, get but what we want. And not just think them in our heads but to write them down. We have to link these with the values that we hold dear and feel a real sense of purpose ( why its important for us to do, be or have what we aspire to) so we can become inspired and move more easily and with real motivation towards the actions that will get us there.

Whatever our passions whether its learning to swim or exploring the depths of the oceans its going to help to be able to :

  • reflect and evaluate
  • decide what we want
  • Write down our goals - this is imensely powerful
  • be SMART
  • have accountability (having someone or some value that will hold you accountable for the actions you take in striving for the goals)

Best to give yourself some uninterrupted time every now and then when your mind can have the space for quiet reflection. Take a good hard look at where you are in your life right now and write it down. This is your baseline from which you can project forward. When you look back, you'll know that this is where you started out.

Now imagine your timeline stretching right out in from of you and project yourself forward to
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
What do you want to be happening in your life then?

For me there is a mixture of family, financial, health, career, prosperity, personal development, social and recreational goals. I know when I have written the first 50, I keep thinking of yet another one and another one till I can get to near enough a hundred. Breaking it down into areas is a useful devise for this.

Its particularly helpful to look at these goals often and also to do a lot of visioneering or imaging the achievement of these goals. I'll come back to this later. I'd like another time to share especially what Catherine Ponder has to say on this aspect of having goals.

My Blessings for today:
1. My son came to kiss me goodbye as I was speaking to a friend and she was thrilled to think he would still come by to do this. It made me really appreciate having a loving relationship with him that can express itself in this way.
2. I was really frustrated trying to do some things on the computer today but you know at the end of the day I just got it. All right it felt like I'd wasted a lot of time but in the end I had advanced my own learning. I am grateful for what I can learn.
3.I was glad to make the connections again with someone I hadn't been connected with for a long time. That was a blessing for the both of us.

To all our success. Personal Development with Success.

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