I wrote before about the importance of writing out our goals and being then able to build a mental picture of those goals either by imagining or envisioning the results you want, or by building a dream board that reinforces yourdesires. Now a third very powerful flank of our success is being able to command our results through affirmations.
Here I draw on the work again of Catherine Ponder in The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity when she describes the power of words to affect success in all areas of our lives - in health, wealth and prosperity. And of course, it works in reverse that the words we tell ourselves in a negative manner are powerful harbingers of ill health,poverty and stress.
She describes these words as the power of command because they have enormous authority and control over the results we produce in our lives. The secret to using this capacity to producing good things in our lives is to create a positive assertion or affirmation of the good we wish to produce and by continued repetition - preferably daily for about 15 minutes,we can swiftly and easily find that opportunities open to us in unexpectedly amazing ways.
Catherine speaks from a decidedly Christian perspective but in essence, reaches to the core of everyone regardless of religious allegience. But here I shall quote her from the Bible - "Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and light shall shine upon thy ways." Book of Job 22:28. As a non Christain, I have no difficulty in translating that to my own essence of spirituality. How that speaks to me is that I can trust in the existence of a universal energy to hear my words, but also that I am programming myself for success.
One of the simpliest ways of attracting the good to oursleves is daily practice of verbal and silent affirmation. By daily affirming, we cement in our minds what we desire. You create your world with the inestimable power of your words and people often find this process one of the easiest and fastest for the results it gives them - if itsdone daily, consistently and in a commanding mannner.
Here are some suggested affirmations from Catherine's books and I thank her for them.
For prosperity -
Everything and everybody prospers me now and I prosper everybody and everything now
For a beautiful home -
I give thanks that I am beautifully and appropriately housed with the rich substance of God/the universe
For health and vitality -
I give thanks for ever increasing health and vitality
Let divine health manifest in me and for me now
For harmonious relationships -
Let there be peace within my walls
For inspiration -
Divine Intelligence now shows me all I need to know
It may seem unusual and a little silly, but its most effective said aloud repeatedly for about 15 minutes. This may seem like a long time in a busy life but when you consider the amount of time we may be spending feeding ourselves with negative mesages, and when you consider the positive implications of doing this, that times fades into significance. If however saying aloud is not possible, for example if under scrutiny from others, writing the affirmations out several times daily can also be effective, and can silently affirming in your head.
I have a friend who is in immense pain daily and finds sleep almost impossible. This deepens her depression and a cycle of ill health, poor self esteem and depression is set up. Now I almost dread asking her how she is because she will surely tell me everything that is wrong. One of the things I can best do for her is talk to her about the power of affirmations, let her read about it and offer her one or two affirmations she can use or adapt to suit. I can also refuse to engage in more negative talk - with her understanding of supporting her becoming better. That is the best gift I can give her. Plus I can support her motivation to do this daily if she decides that this is worth trying when all else has failed.
My blessings for today are:
1. I am so grateful to Catherine for her wisdom and teaching. I honour her and commit to following through with my daily affirmations.
2. For when I am feeling dumb and disempowered in my learning Ichoose instead to affirm with "I am letting divine intelligence think through me. I know. I remember. I understand. I express myself perfectly." I am grateful to that divine intelligence for perfect understanding and expression.
3. I am grateful for the understanding that allows me to start using today in a practical way, the learnings I took from the course I was on today.
Personal Development and Success
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Commanding Success with Affirmations
Posted by
Yvonne Mahoney
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