Wednesday, 9 July 2008

May The Force Be With You

Having introduced Deena Douglas’ The Seven Steps Into The Mastermind Consciousness to my mastermind group, I confess to taking a step back from really using it to enhance the success of what we were all individually trying to achieve.

Number five of the Seven Steps which is about asking for what you want, states “Knowing that I am in conscious contact with Infinite Intelligence and my Master Mind partners, I now ask for, and accept help and guidance in the area of ….”

Why feel self conscious about saying this as a group? Well it got heard but no one else was showing any enthusiasm for a group response that required us to say “ (name) I know that the Mastermind/Spirit hears your request and it is already yours”. 

Yes, OK I felt a little foolish even though many of the participants are very familiar with the idea of asking for what you want from a higher power. We are mostly familiar with the idea of manifestation, have seen films like The Secret or What the Bleep Do We Know, have mostly attempted in our own ways to connect with a higher spirit.

But you know what? Is it just me or does it feel ever so slightly cultish to respond as a group when each individual has expressed their goals? Maybe everyone else felt a little sheepish too about saying this out aloud.

Number six, which is about receiving, states “I lovingly and gratefully accept that the Master Mind supplies me with an abundance of all things necessary to fulfil my desire. I know that the miracle working power of the Master Mind has responded to my every need. I assume the feeling I would have if my requests were already fulfilled.”

 I guess this had me thinking that I was assuming all along that this source of power was outside myself. Some Higher Being. And that could be valid too. But I would also like to entertain the idea that there is power in the collective spirit when several minds are banded together to achieve some greater good than can be achieved by one person alone.

 So I was quite interested to come across Mary Robinson Reynolds’ own Seven Steps to the Mastermind Connection.

One of her steps states “I SURRENDER ordinary thinking. I recognize and accept that I desire to add to my own inherent power the sum and substance of the intelligence, experience, knowledge and spirituality of my MasterMind partners to provide amazing ideas and affirmative language to assist me in generating new results now.”

 Isn’t that neat? Here I must acknowledge my own power and add to that the strength and resources I gain from others in my group as well as some other universal energy that moves amongst us. Indeed, may the Force be with you. And I will definitely share this again with my mastermind group.

Blessings for today.

  1. The heavens have opened up pretty much consistently for the last couple of days and we are asking ourselves where the summer went as its been largely cool and grey. The upside of this has been less need to be watering the plants in the garden thus saving time and the continued growth and lush green of the plants themselves which is a joy to behold.
  2. My 16 year old is mad with me at the moment for requiring him to contribute to household chores. That’s not so good. However even if he is grudging about it, he is at least doing the chores so far asked of him. Isn’t that a blessing?
  3. I am grateful for the time I get to spend on my own when I can just get on with my own things as I see fit. This is precious indeed.

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