Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Commitment to Your Mastermind Success

Imagine this. You’re excited about a new relationship you’ve recently embarked on. You can see the future in this relationship bringing you great fulfilment in many areas of your life. Its Valentine’s Day (why not?) and you’re arranged to meet and you turn up with great expectations. And your date doesn’t show. No phone, no word. Nothing. Has this ever happened to you? Not a great feeling is it? Of course your mind goes into overdrive about what could have happened and what this could mean.

By now, you’re probably wondering where this is leading. What does this have to do with my mastermind group? Imagine this then. Your mastermind group has arranged to meet and one or more members of the group don’t turn up and have left no forwarding message. Your mind goes into overdrive and….

OK, they’re not quite the same kinds of relationships but you can see where this is going. The fact is that the success of the mastermind group so depends on the solid commitment of all its members to attend and to adhere to the basic principles that the group operates by.

It’s a commitment to being there. It’s a commitment for yourself and all that you can achieve, to raise your level of success. It’s being committed to others and supporting and celebrating their success, as they would do for you. A commitment to listening to others, respect for self and others, being on time for meetings, challenging appropriately, asking for what you need, helping others grow and to accepting the help that others can give you.

I say this with the experience of having to challenge a couple of people in my mastermind group recently who have previously shown a pattern of just not showing or telling anyone about their absence. Now this isn’t easy but it has to be done to maintain the purpose and success of the group, that this behaviour is not allowed to continue unchecked.

These people have a lot to contribute and the rest of the group value these contributions and while I validate these, I think I do myself and the others a disservice if I don’t challenge behaviour that has a negative impact on the energy of the group

The thing is, when they don’t show, we speculate, as we would do if our date didn’t show. We turn over several emotions and we try to figure the best way to deal with it. Or how not to! But I maintain that it is vital not to just let it go like an elephant in the room you are trying hard to ignore, but to be honest and open with them and with yourself. And that may mean making a hard decision at the end of the day to terminate their membership of the group if the behaviour continues.

Make no mistake. The combined and committed energy of the mastermind group makes for success for all when we can leverage that energy to create an enriching experience for all the members in that alliance. To our success and the success of our mastermind groups!

Blessings for Today

1. I'm so grateful for some returning sunshine over the past three days. Yes I know climate change has created some oddities and some concerns but I am still glad to see the winter receding and the daffodils begin to rear their heads and to be able to stand in the sunshine and feel life returning to my bones.
2. I went to ask for a medical check up today and it was available for me. This is a huge area of gratitude for me as I have just returned from a part of the world where this would indeed have been an enormous luxury.
3. I appreciate the concessions my family have made to allow me to make my visit abroad and that they have managed fine while I was gone.

1 comment: said...

If you do not committe to yourself or to others and follow through the action - how can you expect the universe to give you what you want.